

Heavy rains in southern Brazil affect academic activities

Universities played an important role in recovery efforts, with the support of the Brazilian National Education and Research Network (RNP).

A superconductive platform for quantum computing

A Japanese research consortium involving NICT and partners has developed a 64-qubit quantum computer based on superconductivity.

Boosting connectivity to support international partnerships for Moroccan scientists

This development facilitates increased traffic to various global research and education networks and is part of the EU-funded AfricaConnect3 initiative.

How supercomputing is speeding up fire engineering

Fire simulations are highly complex. Using the supercomputer LUMI, operated by the Finnish research and education network CSC, Ramboll Finland managed to speed up the process significantly.

Patagonia Project connects southern tip of continent with R&E Networks

This initiative aims to transform the Southern Macrozone region of Chile into a hub for global development and research.

Breakthrough in detection of photons

Observation of processes inside live cells, optical communication in deep space, and quantum computers are examples of applications which will benefit from a new Japanese technological achievement.

A new record set for the transmission of academic data

Data transfer reached 6 Tb/s at the Supercomputing SC23 event in the United States.

Collaboration strengthens Australia’s geodetic capabilities

Position, navigation and timing services rely on geodetic data, such as how fast the Earth is spinning and the tilt of its axis, collected from observatories around the globe.

South Africa: coping during power outages

How an NREN is intensifying its efforts to mitigate the consequences of scheduled, rolling electricity outages for its connected institutions.

Extending the reach of eduroam to more airports: Bangladesh and South Africa

eduroam - the free Wi-Fi roaming service for the international research and education community - is available at more than 30 airports around the globe, with deployments at airports in Bangladesh and South Africa among the latest.

Helping a community stay connected after record floods

When floods inundated the city of Lismore Australia, Southern Cross University became a hub for the town, using AARNet to provide connectivity for recovery efforts.

Oman airport introduces eduroam

Students and academic staffers can now access the eduroam Wi-Fi service at the Muscat International Airport of the Sultanate of Oman.